Web tools support predicting protein–nucleic acid complexes stability with affinity changes

WIREs RNA(2023)

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Numerous biological processes, such as transcription, replication, and translation, rely on protein-nucleic acid interactions (PNIs). Demonstrating the binding stability of protein-nucleic acid complexes is vital to deciphering the code for PNIs. Numerous web-based tools have been developed to attach importance to protein-nucleic acid stability, facilitating the prediction of PNIs characteristics rapidly. However, the data and tools are dispersed and lack comprehensive integration to understand the stability of PNIs better. In this review, we first summarize existing databases for evaluating the stability of protein-nucleic acid binding. Then, we compare and evaluate the pros and cons of web tools for forecasting the interaction energies of protein-nucleic acid complexes. Finally, we discuss the application of combining models and capabilities of PNIs. We may hope these web-based tools will facilitate the discovery of recognition mechanisms for protein-nucleic acid binding stability. This article is categorized under: RNA Interactions with Proteins and Other Molecules > Protein-RNA Recognition RNA Interactions with Proteins and Other Molecules > RNA-Protein Complexes RNA Interactions with Proteins and Other Molecules > Protein-RNA Interactions: Functional Implications.
affinities and stabilities,mutations,protein-nucleic acid interactions,structural bioinformatics
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