Real Time Comparative Analysis between Solar Fixed Plate and Tracking Methodology

2022 2nd Odisha International Conference on Electrical Power Engineering, Communication and Computing Technology (ODICON)(2022)

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The “straight beam” carries around 90% of the solar energy, while the “diffuse sunlight” carries the remaining 10%. Since the sun's energy is most concentrated in its direct beam, keeping the panels in the sun's line of sight for as long as possible increases their efficiency. The energy generated by a direct beam of light is diminished by the cosine angle between both the source of light & the panel. Reflectance is essentially constant for angles of incidence up to about 50°, and then it drops off sharply. While a stationary flat panel can be aligned to capture the majority of the sun's rays at midday, significant power is also accessible in the early morning and late afternoon, when this misalignment makes it impractical to do so. As an illustration, the available energy is already reduced by half even when the Sun is only 10 degrees above the horizon, compared to when it is directly above. The fundamental advantage of a tracking system is to collect energy from the sun for the greatest period of the day and with the most exact alignment since the Sun's position changes throughout the year. An appropriate motor will then be selected after a comparison of the model's efficiency and the output from solar panel model.
solar energy,straight beam,diffuse sunlight,solar panel
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