Performance Comparison of Cryptosystems in Context to Internet of Things

Kriti Rai Saini, Vinayak Jigajinni,Jaya Dofe

2022 4th International Conference on Data Intelligence and Security (ICDIS)(2022)

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The future of the internet―Internet of Things (IoT), is where billions of intelligent physical devices communicate with each other without human invention, making a better world. Real-time applications like smart cities, smart healthcare, medical, military, connected cars, etc., include massive data processing and transmission. As the IoT paradigm capturing a market, security has become a significant concern in IoT deployment. Cryptographic algorithms are a classical approach to protecting the communication channel. However, the IoT's low-power, heterogeneous and resource-constrained nature makes incorporating traditional security features extremely challenging. In this work, we compare applications, encryption (decryption) speed, area, and power overhead for three different encryption methods: RSA (public-key cryptosystem), AES (symmetrical block cipher), and monoalphabetic substitution cipher in the context of IoT. Further, to improve the resilience of the popular and robust AES cipher against side-channel attacks, we implement the masked S-box and analyze the overhead in contrast to the unmasked implementation.
Internet of Things,AES,RSA,Cipher,Side-channel Attacks
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