Evidence of ‘Green’ behaviours: Exploring behavioural traces of pro- and anti-environmental behaviors

Journal of Environmental Psychology(2022)

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The current climate crisis requires pro-environmental behaviours (PEBs) to be developed, engaged in, and spread to other people. Behavioural traces, i.e. evidence of other people's pro-environmental behaviour left in the shared environment, have shown to influence people towards being more pro-environmental. However, systematic research into behavioural traces of PEBs is missing. In a set of three surveys, we investigate which behavioural traces correspond to a number of pro- and anti-environmental behaviours identified from previous literature, how frequently these behavioural traces are encountered, their relation with engagement in behaviours, and whether behaviours can be inferred from traces. All studies are survey-based with a mix of open-ended questions (Surveys 1 & 3) and rating scales (Survey 2). We use network analysis to identify partial correlations between behaviours and traces. A total of 66 traces uniquely attributed to 36 pro- and anti-environmental behaviours were identified. On average, each trace is observed monthly. Noticing traces correlated with engaging in related behaviours in 24 instances. Participants report that if they saw a trace more frequently, they expect they would be more likely to adopt the behaviour that produced the trace. Finally, participants were generally able to infer the causing behaviours when only presented the traces. We show that unique behavioural traces exist for a number of pro- and anti-environmental behaviours. Traces are noticed and relate to the constituting behaviours based on correlational and self-report evidence. Because of the wide variation between behaviours and their traces, further research into specific behaviours is warranted. Use of these findings for interventions are discussed.
Pro-environmental behaviour,Behavioural traces,Stigmergy,Visibility,Sustainability
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