Automatic thumbnail selection for soccer videos using machine learning.

ACM SIGMM Conference on Multimedia Systems (MMSys)(2022)

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Thumbnail selection is a very important aspect of online sport video presentation, as thumbnails capture the essence of important events, engage viewers, and make video clips attractive to watch. Traditional solutions in the soccer domain for presenting highlight clips of important events such as goals, substitutions, and cards rely on the manual or static selection of thumbnails. However, such approaches can result in the selection of sub-optimal video frames as snapshots, which degrades the overall quality of the video clip as perceived by viewers, and consequently decreases viewership, not to mention that manual processes are expensive and time consuming. In this paper, we present an automatic thumbnail selection system for soccer videos which uses machine learning to deliver representative thumbnails with high relevance to video content and high visual quality in near real-time. Our proposed system combines a software framework which integrates logo detection, close-up shot detection, face detection, and image quality analysis into a modular and customizable pipeline, and a subjective evaluation framework for the evaluation of results. We evaluate our proposed pipeline quantitatively using various soccer datasets, in terms of complexity, runtime, and adherence to a pre-defined rule-set, as well as qualitatively through a user study, in terms of the perception of output thumbnails by end-users. Our results show that an automatic end-to-end system for the selection of thumbnails based on contextual relevance and visual quality can yield attractive highlight clips, and can be used in conjunction with existing soccer broadcast pipelines which require real-time operation.
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