A Data Availability Modeling Approach Towards Cloud Storage Systems Based on Client Perspective

2022 23rd Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS)(2022)

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System data availability is a key indicator to measure the ability of a cloud storage system to provide continuous service. Usually, users could only get the data availability of a cloud storage system through measurement, meaning that they could not know whether the system works normally unless they have read and written data on it. To improve data availability, the common method in the industry is to use higher performance physical devices or design more complex organizational architectures. However, no matter how the service side is designed, if the client side does not have the ability to switch service points, the whole cloud storage system is not highly available. In this paper, we propose a data availability modeling approach towards cloud storage systems based on client perspective. Initially, we discuss traditional availability computing models and summarize the necessary conditions for a cloud storage system to realize high availability. Furthermore, combined with specific scenarios, we model two different modes of switching service nodes on the client side. Finally, we quantitatively analyze the optimal ratio of the detection requests and the read-write buffer on the premise of ensuring the storage networks performance.
data availability,distributed computing,cloud storage,theoretical modeling,storage networks
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