API-Related Developer Information Needs in Stack Overflow

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering(2022)

引用 16|浏览76
Stack Overflow (SO) provides informal documentation for APIs in response to questions that express API related developer needs. Navigating the information available on SO and getting information related to a particular API and need is challenging due to the vast amount of questions and answers and the tag-driven structure of SO. In this paper we focus on identifying and classifying fine-grained developer needs expressed in sentences of API-related SO questions, as well as the specific information types used to express such needs, and the different roles APIs play in these questions and their answers. We derive a taxonomy, complementing existing ones, through an empirical study of 266 SO posts. We then develop and evaluate an approach for the automated identification of the fine-grained developer needs in SO threads, which takes a thread as input and outputs the corresponding developer needs, the types of information expressing them, and the roles of API elements relevant to the needs. To show a practical application of our taxonomy, we introduce and evaluate an approach for the automated retrieval of SO questions, based on these developer needs.
Developer information need,API,Stack Overflow
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