Security Scenarios Automation and Deployment in Virtual Environment using Ansible

2022 14th International Conference on Communications (COMM)(2022)

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Cyber security is a 21st-century challenge doubled by the risk introduced by the lack of cyber security workforce. To bridge this workforce gap, cyber security learning environment are necessary. The Cyber range is cyber virtual environment for security training for cyber security professionals. This study presents the next-generation tools for developing Cyber ranges in the cloud and integrates automation with Ansible hence, orchestrating the virtual environment for the efficacy of security testsbeds, equipping the user with cyber security readiness to defend against real-life cyber-attacks. The proposed automation methodology can be also incorporated in continuous integration queues, defining the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) DevSecOps strategy. The developed scalable and reusable platform allows malicious cyber activities to be simulated through automation. The exercises and the tools employed gives security professionals a good understanding of adversary's operations. while the vulnerabilities are mapped to MITRE ATT &CK knowledge base. Our results show that, the developed Cyber range platform is suitable and effective for cyber security training. Notwithstanding, we propose future studies be carried out to look into cyber security problematic in virtual reality (VR) platforms.
Cyber range,automation,cyber security,cloud
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