Proposal for valleytronic materials: Ferrovalley metal and valley gapless semiconductor

Frontiers of Physics(2024)

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Valleytronic materials can provide new degrees of freedom to future electronic devices. In this work, the concepts of the ferrovalley metal (FVM) and valley gapless semiconductor (VGS) are proposed, which can be achieved in valleytronic bilayer systems by electric field engineering. In valleytronic bilayer systems, the interaction between out-of-plane ferroelectricity and A-type antiferromagnetism can induce layer-polarized anomalous valley Hall (LP-AVH) effect. The K and −K valleys of FVM are both metallic, and electron and hole carriers simultaneously exist. In the extreme case, the FVM can become VGS by analogizing spin gapless semiconductor (SGS). Moreover, it is proposed that the valley splitting enhancement and valley polarization reversal can be achieved by electric field engineering in valleytronic bilayer systems. Taking the bilayer RuBr 2 as an example, our proposal is confirmed by the first-principle calculations. The FVM and VGS can be achieved in bilayer RuBr 2 by applying electric field. With appropriate electric field range, increasing electric field can enhance valley splitting, and the valley polarization can be reversed by flipping electric field direction. To effectively tune valley properties by electric field in bilayer systems, the parent monolayer should possess out-of-plane magnetization, and have large valley splitting. Our results shed light on the possible role of electric field in tuning valleytronic bilayer systems, and provide a way to design the ferrovalley-related material by electric field.
valleytronics,electric field,bilayer
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