Cortical microstructural gradients capture memory network reorganization in temporal lobe epilepsy


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Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), one of the most common pharmaco-resistant epilepsies, is associated with pathology of paralimbic brain regions, particularly in the mesiotemporal lobe. Cognitive dysfunction in TLE is frequent, and particularly affects episodic memory. Crucially, these difficulties challenge the quality of life of patients, sometimes more than seizures, underscoring the need to assess neural processes of cognitive dysfunction in TLE to improve patient management. Our work harnessed a novel conceptual and analytical approach to assess spatial gradients of microstructural differentiation between cortical areas based on high-resolution MRI analysis. Gradients track region-to-region variations in intracortical lamination and myeloarchitecture, serving as a system-level measure of structural and functional reorganization. Comparing cortex-wide microstructural gradients between 21 patients and 35 healthy controls, we observed a contracted gradient in TLE driven by reduced microstructural differentiation between paralimbic cortices and the remaining cortex with marked abnormalities in ipsilateral temporopolar and dorsolateral prefrontal regions. Findings were replicated in an independent cohort. Using an independent post mortem dataset, we observed that in vivo findings reflected topographical variations in cortical lamination patterns, confirming that TLE-related changes in the microstructural gradient reflected increased proximity of regions with more dissimilar laminar structure. Disease-related transcriptomics could furthermore show specificity of our findings to TLE over other common epilepsy syndromes. Finally, microstructural dedifferentiation was associated with cognitive network reorganization seen during an episodic memory functional MRI paradigm, and correlated with inter-individual differences in task accuracy. Collectively, our findings showing a pattern of reduced microarchitectural differentiation between paralimbic regions and the remaining cortex provide a parsimonious explanation for functional network reorganization and cognitive dysfunction characteristic of TLE. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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