USP10 strikes down β-catenin by dual-wielding deubiquitinase activity and phase separation potential


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Wnt/β-catenin signaling is a conserved pathway crucially governing development, homeostasis and oncogenesis. Discovery of novel regulators holds great values in both basic and translational research. Through screening, we identified a deubiquitinase (DUB) USP10 as a novel and critical modulator of β-catenin. Mechanistically, USP10 binds to key scaffold Axin1 via conserved motifs and stabilizes Axin1 through K48-linked deubiquitination, and surprisingly, tethers Axin1 and β-catenin physically while promoting phase separation for β-catenin suppression regardless of its enzymatic activity. Functionally, USP10 prominently regulates embryonic development and intestinal homeostasis by antagonizing β-catenin via DUB activity. In colorectal cancer, USP10 substantially represses cancer growth mainly through physical binding compensation and phase separation promotion and correlates with Wnt/β-catenin magnitude clinically. Collectively, we discovered USP10 functioning in multiple biological processes against β-catenin and unearthed a novel enzyme-dependent and -independent “dual-regulating” mechanism by which USP10 utilizes parallelly and context-dependently. USP10 inhibitor was suggested in treating certain Wnt-related diseases. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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