User Interaction Satisfaction with Simulation Games Used in Learning about ERP Systems

2022 8th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN)(2022)

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This study attempts to evaluate the user interaction satisfaction with ERPsim games, using data from a survey of graduate students who used ERPsim games in a course of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. The results show that the respondents are generally satisfied with the user interaction with the ERPsim game. The results also show that the areas of screen factors, terminology, and system information, learning factors, and usability and user interface are found to have positive effects on the overall reactions to the ERPsim game, while the area of system capabilities is found to have no effect on the overall reactions to the ERPsim game. The results would be helpful to those who use ERPsim games as instructional tools as well as those who design the user interaction with ERPsim games and SAP ERP system in which ERPsim games run.
simulation game,enterprise resource planning (ERP),user interaction,user satisfaction
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