New Monte Carlo Integration Models for Underwater Wireless Optical Communication


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Underwater wireless optical communications are knowing a high interest in recent years, with many military and civil applications. The design of efficient systems relies on powerful simulation tools. The most used simulation algorithms are based on a paper from 1989, written by Prahl and designed for light propagation through human tissue. This method relies on Monte Carlo Simulation, following the path of a photon in the participating media. As such, it is difficult to propose evolution or optimization. In addition, a large amount of photons are needed to obtain good results with low error, especially for turbid water. With Monte Carlo Integration method, there exist a lot of optimization techniques to reduce the variance. This paper proposes a mathematical formalization of the propagation of light in water or any other participating medium as an integral problem. Therefore, it opens the way for a large number of future optimizations. A very straightforward and simple variance reduction technique is proposed as an example. Our simulation results show that this new technique has a lower sample variance as expected, and thus better convergence rates.
Monte Carlo methods, Scattering, Photonics, Media, Wireless communication, Receivers, Sea surface, Optical fiber communication, Communication channels, Underwater communication, Communication channels, communication systems, Monte Carlo methods, optical communication, optical propagation, optical propagation in absorbing media, optical propagation in dispersive media, simulation, underwater communication, underwater optical communication, underwater optical propagation
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