Modeling the Influence of Quasi-Monochrome Phytoirradiators on the Development of Woody Plants in Order to Optimize the Parameters of Small-Sized LED Irradiation Chamber

Denis Ivushkin,Igor Yudaev, Vladimir Petrukhin, Andrey Feklistov, Mikhail Aksenov,Yulia Daus,Vladimir Panchenko

Intelligent Computing & Optimization Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems(2022)

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The use of planting stock in forestry, grown using the technology of the closed root system, is currently a priority for creating artificial forest plantations and restoring damaged ones. Therefore, issues related to agricultural technology and technologies for growing seedlings of trees and shrubs in protected ground are currently being worked out. It is possible to implement the technology of widespread, year-round cultivation of seedlings of woody species in an artificial environment using small-sized forms of cultivation facilities - irradiation chambers and cabinets, grow boxes, phytotrons, etc. In this case, the main technological operation is the light regime necessary for plants - with the radiation spectrum necessary for their development and growth, with the necessary intensity and regime of irradiation. The main species of woody plants grown in seed plots used in the creation of protective plantations in the south of the Russian Federation were chosen as the object of study - Crimean pine (Pinus nigra subsp. Pallasiana), eastern thuja (Thuja L.), black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.). The carried out photobiological studies made it possible to obtain results on the qualitative indicators of woody plants grown under the conditions of the irradiation chamber exposed to radiation with different proportions in the blue-red and blue-green-red ranges of the photosynthetically active radiation area. These studies make it possible to determine the requirements for favorable spectral characteristics of optical radiation sources based on LEDs, which provide the maximum quality indicators for the development of seedlings of woody plants, which makes it possible to give recommendations on the creation of optical technology, as one of the main elements in agricultural technology, using automated control during their cultivation.
Small-sized irradiators, Tree seedlings, Radiation spectrum, Irradiation intensity, Irradiation modes
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