Fuzzy Positive Learning for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

CVPR 2023(2023)

引用 4|浏览73
Semi-supervised learning (SSL) essentially pursues class boundary exploration with less dependence on human annotations. Although typical attempts focus on ameliorating the inevitable error-prone pseudo-labeling, we think differently and resort to exhausting informative semantics from multiple probably correct candidate labels. In this paper, we introduce Fuzzy Positive Learning (FPL) for accurate SSL semantic segmentation in a plug-and-play fashion, targeting adaptively encouraging fuzzy positive predictions and suppressing highly-probable negatives. Being conceptually simple yet practically effective, FPL can remarkably alleviate interference from wrong pseudo labels and progressively achieve clear pixel-level semantic discrimination. Concretely, our FPL approach consists of two main components, including fuzzy positive assignment (FPA) to provide an adaptive number of labels for each pixel and fuzzy positive regularization (FPR) to restrict the predictions of fuzzy positive categories to be larger than the rest under different perturbations. Theoretical analysis and extensive experiments on Cityscapes and VOC 2012 with consistent performance gain justify the superiority of our approach. Codes are available in https://github.com/qpc1611094/FPL.
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