Artificial intelligence and the operationalization of psychological constructs: the case of emotions and emotional authenticity of entrepreneurs during pitch presentations

Methods to Improve Our Field Research Methodology in Strategy and Management(2023)

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The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in management research is still nascent and has primarily focused on content analyses of text data. Some method scholars have begun to discuss the potential benefits of far broader applications; however, these discussions have not led yet to a wave of corresponding AI applications by management researchers. This chapter explores the feasibility and the potential value of using AI for a very specific methodological task: the reliable and efficient capturing of higher-level psychological constructs in management research. It introduces the capturing of basic emotions and emotional authenticity of entrepreneurs based on their macro- and microfacial expressions during pitch presentations as an illustrative example of related AI opportunities and challenges. Thus, this chapter provides both motivation and guidance to management scholars for future applications of AI to advance management research.
Artificial intelligence,machine learning,entrepreneurial emotions,emotional authenticity,facial expressions,construct measurement
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