Global modeling of the inner magnetosphere under the influence of a magnetic cloud associated with an interplanetary coronal mass ejection: Energy conversion and ultra‐low frequency wave activity

P. R. Jauer,C. Wang, E. Echer,V. M. Souza,L. A. Da Silva,J. P. Marchezi, L. R. Alves, M. V. Alves, S. Douglas, C. Loesch,Z. Liu, L. Hui, L. E. A. Vieira, W. D. Gonzalez, C. M. Denardini,C. Medeiros, J. E. R. Costa

Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics(2022)

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The interaction and response of the magnetic cloud-type structure with Earth's magnetosphere were modeled by the SWMF/BATS-R-US code. The conversion of magnetic (E-m), kinetic (E-k), and internal (E-i) energies was analyzed as well as the wave power integrated in the ultra-low frequency (ULF) range of the poloidal (E-phi) and toroidal (E-r) electric field components in the equatorial region of the magnetosphere, in seven 2-hr long intervals, namely, I1 through I7. The intensity of energy conversion and wave activity for I1 and I7 intervals was negligible. The energy conversion started in the I2 interval and extended to the I3, I4, and I5 intervals. The power of the E-phi and E-r components in the dayside and nightside regions is clearly observed. The I4 corresponds to interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) B-z mostly southward and the I5 has similar amplitudes of the B-z and B-y components, corresponding to the period of the high geomagnetic activity. The conversion rate for the I4 and I5 was similar, however, the integrated power spectral density (IPSD) of the E-phi and E-r components is more intense in I5. During the I6 interval, with predominant IMF B-y, the energy conversion rate is intensified mostly for inner radial distances R R-E, and the E-k component becomes close to zero for outer regions. The energy conversion regions are located spatially close to or overlapping with regions where the IPSD in the ULF range is intensified. The energy conversion in the inner magnetosphere occurred preferentially between E-m and E-i, with the E-k energy component always present but with lower intensities.
energy conversion, MHD simulation, ULF waves, magnetic cloud, magnetospheric activity
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