High-precision Sr and Nd isotope measurements using a dynamic zoom lens-equipped thermal ionisation mass spectrometer

Chemical Geology(2022)

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Techniques for the determination of radiogenic strontium (87Sr/86Sr) and neodymium (143Nd/144Nd) isotope ratios by Thermal Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (TIMS) are presented in this study. We have developed a 5 lines acquisition routine for both elements, taking advantage of the 16 Faraday cups available on the Nu Instruments TIMS in conjunction with an efficient zoom lens system. This allows increased flexibility regarding the number of lines in a multidynamic acquisition routine whilst maintaining optimal peak alignment and peak shape for every measurement line despite the fact that the detectors are not movable. The long-term reproducibility obtained for our Sr (NBS 987) and Nd (Rennes-Ames) standard solutions gives a (87Sr/86Sr)multidyn of 0.7102467 ± 0.0000043 (6.0 ppm, 2 s.d., n = 38) and a (143Nd/144Nd)multidyn of 0.5119537 ± 0.0000022 (4.2 ppm, 2 s.d., n = 31), respectively. We also report (87Sr/86Sr)multidyn and (143Nd/144Nd)multidyn for a set of terrestrial rock standards (including 5 basalts (BCR-2, BHVO-2, BIR-1, Be-N and BR-24), one rhyolite (RGM-1) and one andesite (AGV-2)) with the same, or greater, level of precision as for the pure standards solutions. This level of precision is 2 to 3 times better than the literature data for Sr isotope ratios, and comparable to the latest high precision data reported for Nd isotope ratios. This is the first paper reporting such high precisions for radiogenic Sr and Nd data generated using a TIMS from Nu Instruments.
Nu TIMS,High precision Sr isotopic measurements,High precision Nd isotopic measurements
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