Preclinical InVivo Data Integrated in a Modeling Network Informs a Refined Clinical Strategy for a CD3 T-Cell Bispecific in Combination with Anti-PD-L1

The AAPS Journal(2022)

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TYRP1-TCB is a CD3 T-cell bispecific (CD3-TCB) antibody for the treatment of advanced melanoma. A tumor growth inhibition (TGI) model was developed using mouse xenograft data with TYRP1-TCB monotherapy or TYRP1-TCB plus anti-PD-L1 combination. The model was translated to humans to inform a refined clinical strategy. From xenograft mouse data, we estimated an EC 50 of 0.345 mg/L for TYRP1-TCB, close to what was observed in vitro using the same tumor cell line. The model showed that, though increasing the dose of TYRP1-TCB in monotherapy delays the time to tumor regrowth and promotes higher tumor cell killing, it also induces a faster rate of tumor regrowth. Combination with anti-PD-L1 extended the time to tumor regrowth by 25% while also decreasing the tumor regrowth rate by 69% compared to the same dose of TYRP1-TCB alone. The model translation to humans predicts that if patients’ tumors were scanned every 6 weeks, only 46% of the monotherapy responders would be detected even at a TYRP1-TCB dose resulting in exposures above the EC 90 . However, combination of TYRP1-TCB and anti-PD-L1 in the clinic is predicted to more than double the overall response rate (ORR), duration of response (DoR) and progression-free survival (PFS) compared to TYRP1-TCB monotherapy. As a result, it is highly recommended to consider development of CD3-TCBs as part of a combination therapy from the outset, without the need to escalate the CD3-TCB up to the Maximum Tolerated Dose (MTD) in monotherapy and without gating the combination only on RECIST-derived efficacy metrics. Graphical Abstract
CD3-bispecifics, Checkpoint inhibitors, Combination, PKPD modeling
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