Daylighting Assessment and Optimization: A Case Study in an Office Building

Ibrahim Reda, Haidy Tamer

2022 Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Architectural and Interior Design Environments (ETSAIDE)(2022)

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Daylighting is often recognized as an energy-efficient tool that lowers down consumed energy in buildings to offer visual comfort and in turn rhythms occupants’ performance and productivity. This paper conducts a simulation study to evaluate and optimize harvesting daylighting in an existing office building in Bahrain. To this end, three passive solutions were investigated namely window-to-wall ratio (WWR), surface reflectance, and building orientation to examine their influence on daylighting and thermal gain. The approach was numerically exemplified simultaneously, i.e., WWR was increased to 30%, walls and ceiling reflectance were set to 80%, and rotating the building orientation 20° degrees from the true north direction. For the suggested model, it was found that about 14% of the building spaces were exposed to excessive daylighting, 36% of the spaces show an excellent level, 26% were good, 5% were moderate, 19% were still at a poor level, and 0% has a bad daylighting level compared with 12% of the existing model. In addition to 60% and 66% increment of total and sensible cooling load respectively, the wall transmission load decreased by approximately 23%. The window transmission load increased about three folds and half; the solar load also increased approximately four folds. Therefore, building designers should achieve the balance between harvesting daylighting and thermal gain while sizing windows, choosing wall reflectance, and building orientation.
Daylighting,Visual Comfort,Energy consumption,window to wall ratio (WWR),Surface reflectance,and Thermal gain
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