Introduction and historical approaches to seabird conservation

Conservation of Marine Birds(2023)

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Seabirds face many threats, both on land and at sea. The pelagic distributions and extensive migrations of many species expose them to complex threats and also to numerous (and in some cases limited) jurisdictions. Ensuring the survival of seabirds, or achieving population recoveries of endangered species, may require management actions and policy changes at a range of spatial and temporal scales. This introduction and the chapters that follow summarize successful seabird conservation initiatives undertaken throughout the world, both on land and at sea. These include broad-scale methods (e.g., control and eradication of invasive pests, and changes to fisheries regulations and practices), and also targeted conservation management affecting individual birds (e.g., nest site protection, and translocating pre-fledged seabirds to new and safer habitats). While many of the threats faced by seabirds are linked to global impacts that may take decades to resolve (e.g., changes in oceanic productivity associated with climate change), the case studies presented in the section reveal that there are many ways that humanity’s negative impacts on seabirds can be minimized and mitigated.
conservation,historical approaches
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