DBMS annihilator

Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment(2022)

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Modern DBMS engines can achieve unprecedented transaction processing speeds thanks to the invention of clever data structures, concurrency schemes, and improvements in CPU and memory subsystems. However, developing realistic and efficient networked clients to benchmark these systems remains daunting. Simply put, traditional client-side networking stacks present high overheads and thus cannot exercise the high performance that modern DBMSs can, in principle, provide. In this demo, we propose a different approach to benchmarking; we showcase a new framework that leverages hardware-software co-design. With our system, which we call the DBMS Annihilator, workloads are specified using a high-level language that is then converted into hardware (FPGA) for execution. The hardware we use is a commodity Smart NIC, allowing workloads to be fully reproducible to anyone using such hardware. A software console and dashboard provide real-time visibility and interactivity, which we explore in this demo.
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