Development of Serum-Free Media for Cryopreservation of Hydrogel Encapsulated Cell-Based Therapeutics

Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering(2022)

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While hydrogel encapsulation of cells has been developed to treat multiple diseases, methods to cryopreserve and maintain the composite function of therapeutic encapsulated cell products are still needed to facilitate their storage and distribution. While methods to preserve encapsulated cells, and post-synthesis have received recent attention, effective preservation mediums have not been fully defined. We employed a two-tiered screen of an initial library of 32 different cryopreservation agent (CPA) formulations composed of different cell-permeable and impermeable agents. Formulations were assayed using dark field microscopy to evaluate alginate hydrogel matrix integrity, followed by cell viability analyses and measurements of functional secretion activity. The structural integrity of large > 1 mm alginate capsules were highly sensitive to freezing and thawing in media alone but could be recovered by a number of CPA formulations containing different cell-permeable and impermeable agents. Subsequent viability screens identified two top-performing CPA formulations that maximized capsule integrity and cell viability after storage at − 80 °C. The top formulation (10
Cell-based therapeutics,Cryopreservation,Hydrogels,Serum-free media,Mesenchymal stem cells,HUVEC,ARPE-19
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