Bounding the Optimal Length of Pliable Index Coding via a Hypergraph-based Approach

2022 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW)(2022)

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In pliable index coding (PICOD), a number of clients are connected via a noise-free broadcast channel to a server which has a list of messages. Each client has a unique subset of messages at the server as side-information and requests for any one message not in the side-information. A PICOD scheme of length ℓ is a set of ℓ encoded transmissions broadcast from the server such that all clients are satisfied. Finding the optimal (minimum) length of PICOD and designing PICOD schemes that have small length are the fundamental questions in PICOD. In this paper, we use a hypergraph-based approach to derive new achievability and converse results for PICOD. We present an algorithm which gives an achievable scheme for PICOD with length at most $\Delta \left( \mathcal{H} \right)$, where $\Delta \left( \mathcal{H} \right)$ is the maximum degree of any vertex in a hypergraph that represents the PICOD problem. We also give a lower bound for the optimal PICOD length using a new structural parameter associated with the PICOD hypergraph called the nesting number. Finally, we also identify a class of problems for which our converse is tight. The full version of this paper, including additional results, proofs, and examples, is available online [1].
pliable index coding,optimal length,hypergraph-based
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