Experience report and data visualization to evaluate a game programming project aimed for girls using Scratch tool

Anais do XXVII Workshop de Informática na Escola (WIE 2021)(2021)

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The inclusion of women in technology has increased in recent years, but the number of women in technology is still much smaller compared to male involvement. Many factors make women not part of the information technology field. These factors include cultural, social factors of lack of information about the area. Thus, this paper aims to understand some of the factors that lead women to look less for professional areas involving science and technology. This article presents the state of the art of science and technology projects that have been aimed at women around the world. In addition, a questionnaire was applied in order to present some of the factors that can affect the performance of girls in projects in the field of Exact Sciences. Among the variables studied, the one that had the greatest correlation with the worst performances achieved by the girls was the absence of technology and internet at home. Furthermore, a quali-quantitative analysis shows the importance of carrying out projects that involve women in science and technology.
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