Expert Critics, Rankings, and Review Aggregators: The Changing Nature of Intermediation and the Rise of Markets with Multiple Intermediaries

Academy of Management Annals(2022)

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In this review, we integrate insights from the extensive but fragmented literature on information intermediaries. Tracing the evolution of this research, we observe a shift from a world dominated by expert critics to one where these traditional intermediaries sit alongside newer forms, such as media rankings and ratings, as well as online review aggregators. As a result of this proliferation, producers are often subject to simultaneous public evaluation by multiple intermediaries. To understand the potential impact of these changes, we build a framework that specifies the central characteristics of intermediaries and their evaluations and use this framework to compare and contrast three ideal types of intermediaries. This structured comparison reveals important differ-ences in the nature of intermediation by distinct types of intermediaries. We discuss implications for key producer outcomes and highlight important new questions for future research.
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