Software Knowledge Entity Relation Extraction with Entity-Aware and Syntactic Dependency Structure Information


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Software knowledge community contains a large scale of software knowledge entities with complex structure and rich semantic relations. Semantic relation extraction of software knowledge entities is a critical task for software knowledge graph construction, which has an important impact on knowledge graph based tasks such as software document generation and software expert recommendation. Due to the problems of entity sparsity, relation ambiguity, and the lack of annotated dataset in user-generated content of software knowledge community, it is difficult to apply existing methods of relation extraction in the software knowledge domain. To address these issues, we propose a novel software knowledge entity relation extraction model which incorporates entity-aware information with syntactic dependency information. Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (Bi-GRU) and Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN) are used to learn the features of contextual semantic representation and syntactic dependency representation, respectively. To obtain more syntactic dependency information, a weight graph convolutional network based on Newton's cooling law is constructed by calculating a weight adjacency matrix. Specifically, an entity-aware attention mechanism is proposed to integrate the entity information and syntactic dependency information to improve the prediction performance of the model. Experiments are conducted on a dataset which is constructed based on texts of the StackOverflow and show that the proposed model has better performance than the benchmark models.
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