Internet of Things-enabled Passive Contact Tracing in Smart Cities

Internet of Things(2022)

引用 12|浏览12
Contact tracing has been proven an essential practice during pandemic outbreaks and is a critical non-pharmaceutical intervention to reduce mortality rates. While traditional contact tracing approaches are gradually being replaced by peer-to-peer smartphone-based systems, the new applications tend to ignore the Internet-of-Things (IoT) ecosystem that is steadily growing in smart city environments. This work presents a contact tracing framework that logs smart space users’ co-existence using IoT devices as reference anchors. The design is non-intrusive as it relies on passive wireless interactions between each user’s carried equipment (e.g., smartphone, wearable, proximity card) with an IoT device by utilizing received signal strength indicators (RSSI). The proposed framework can log the identities for the interacting pair, their estimated distance, and the overlapping time duration. Also, we propose a machine learning-based infection risk classification method to characterize each interaction that relies on RSSI-based attributes and contact details. Finally, the proposed contact tracing framework’s performance is evaluated through a real-world case study of actual wireless interactions between users and IoT devices through Bluetooth Low Energy advertising. The results demonstrate the system’s capability to accurately capture contact between mobile users and assess their infection risk provided adequate model training over time.
Bluetooth Low Energy,Contact Tracing,Internet of Things,Infection Risk Classification
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