Assessing the Fisheries and Ecosystem Structure of the Largest Greek Lake (Lake Trichonis)


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An Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) modeling approach was used to explore the ecological structure of the largest lake in Greece (Lake Trichonis). Until the mid-1990s, the lake was receiving a high level of pollution and the fishing pressure was intense, while since the early 2000s, fisheries and other human pressures gradually declined. Nowadays, the lake's fisheries mainly target Atherina boyeri due to the absence of market demand for the other fish species in the lake, resulting in a low overall fisheries pressure on the fish stocks. The model was built with data collected through: (a) field samplings, (b) in-depth targeted interviews of professional fishermen and (c) historical archive information. The model considered 22 functional groups, while fishing activities were represented by three classes according to the used gears. The outputs of the model revealed that the ecosystem is dominated by low trophic level species (also identified as keystone species), indicating the significance of bottom-up control in the regulation of food web processes. Ecological indicators depicted that the lake's ecosystem is mature and resilient to external disturbances. The methodological approach used in this study was shown to be helpful for studies addressing ecosystem structure, in particular with limited data availability.
trophic model, Ecopath with Ecosim, fisheries, fishermen ecological knowledge, Lake Trichonis
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