Evaluation of NVIDIA Xavier NX Platform for Real-Time Image Processing for Plasma Diagnostics


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Machine protection is a core task of real-time image diagnostics aiming for steady-state operation in nuclear fusion devices. The paper evaluates the applicability of the newest low-power NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX platform for image plasma diagnostics. This embedded NVIDIA Tegra System-on-a-Chip (SoC) integrates a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) and Central Processing Unit (CPU) on a single chip. The hardware differences and features compared to the previous NVIDIA Jetson TX2 are signified. Implemented algorithms detect thermal events in real-time, utilising the high parallelism provided by the embedded General-Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU). The performance and accuracy are evaluated on the experimental data from the Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) stellarator. Strike-line and reflection events are primarily investigated, yet benchmarks for overload hotspots, surface layers and visualisation algorithms are also included. Their detection might allow for automating real-time risk evaluation incorporated in the divertor protection system in W7-X. For the first time, the paper demonstrates the feasibility of complex real-time image processing in nuclear fusion applications on low-power embedded devices. Moreover, GPU-accelerated reference processing pipelines yielding higher accuracy compared to the literature results are proposed, and remarkable performance improvement resulting from the upgrade to the Xavier NX platform is attained.
graphics processing unit, general-purpose computing on graphics processing units, image processing, plasma diagnostics, embedded system
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