An Initial Logic Model to Guide OpenSciEd Research: Updated Version


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This white paper supports an ongoing effort to define a research agenda and catalyze a research community around the OpenSciEd curriculum materials. Rigorous research on these materials is needed in order to answer questions about the equitable design of instructional materials, impacts on student learning, effective and equitable classroom teaching practices, teacher professional development approaches, and models for school adoption that address the diverse needs of historically marginalized students in STEM. Research findings have the potential to advance the knowledge, skills, and practices that will promote key student, teacher, and system outcomes. The research agenda stands to accelerate the research timeline and stimulate a broad range of research projects addressing these critical needs. To support the collaborative development and activation of the research agenda, we outline an initial logic model for OpenSciEd. The logic model can shape research efforts by clarifying intended relationships among (1) the principles, commitments, and key affordances of OpenSciEd; (2) the components of OpenSciEd and how they are implemented and supported in classrooms, schools, districts, and states; and (3) the desired outcomes of OpenSciEd.
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