Enhancing learning in small businesses

Human Resource Management Journal(2022)

引用 4|浏览8
This study addresses knowledge gaps relating to how small business owner/managers facilitate employee learning and how distinctive characteristics of small businesses affect employee learning. Data were collected through interviews with owner/managers and employees and observation of conditions in the physical, social, and organisational environments that might help or hinder informal learning. The findings provide a situated, context-sensitive, and triangulated account relating to two research questions. We find that owner/manager physical and social proximity to employees is a key facilitating factor. Proximity creates the potential for owner/managers to facilitate learning through modelling, provision of immediate feedback and guidance. The owner/manager's positive influence on learning stemming from their physical and social proximity to employees is accentuated by owner/managers employing management styles facilitative of learning. Our findings suggest that a "family-like" culture and the social cohesion in the businesses had enabling effects on employee participants' informal learning, while their lack of opportunities for formal learning would have inhibiting effects.
informal learning, management style, organisational culture, small business
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