Artichoke and bergamot extracts: a new opportunity for the management of dyslipidemia and related risk factors


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The relationship between low LDL-C (cholesterol associated with low-density lipoprotein) and a lower relative risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) has been widely demonstrated. Although from a pharmacological point of view, starins, ezetimibe and PCSK inhibitors, alone or in combination are the front and center of the therapeutic approaches for reducing LDL-C and its CV consequences, in recent years nutraceuticals and functional foods have increasingly been considered as a valid support in the reduction of LDL-C, especially in patients with mild/moderate hvperlipidemia - therefore not requiring pharmacological treatment - or in patients intolerant to statins or other drugs. An approach also shared by the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS). Of the various active ingredients with hypolipidemic properties, we include the artichoke (Cynara cardunculus, Cynara scolyrnus) and the bergamot (Citrus betgamia) which, thanks essentially to the significant presence of polyphenols in their extracts, can exert this action associated with a number of other complementary inflammation and oxidation benefits. In light of these evidence, this review aimed to describe the effects of artichoke and bergamot in modifying the lipid and inflammatory parameters described in in vitro, in vivo and clinical studies. The available data support the use of standardized compositions of artichoke and bergamot extracts, alone or in combination, in the treatment of mild to moderate dyslipidemia, in patients suffering from metabolic syndrome, hepatic steatosis, or intolerant to common hypolipidemic treatments.
Functional food, Hyperlipidemias, Polyphenols
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