Heart diseases, anxiety disorders, and negative thoughts

Heart and Mind(2022)

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The mind and the heart are inextricably linked. Depression, worry, loneliness, anger, and chronic stress are all negative mental states that can increase the risk of heart disease or worsen existing cardiac problems. Cardiomyopathy develops in response to suddenly hearing stressful news, such as a loved one diagnosed with cancer. Thus, intense emotions, such as anger, can also lead to abnormal heart rhythms. When you are stressed, your blood pressure and heart rate both rise. Chronic stress causes your body to produce harmful quantities of stress hormones such as cortisol, which can alter blood clots. All of these factors can lead to a heart attack or a stroke. Negative thoughts, feelings, or emotions may influence lifestyle patterns, increasing the risk of heart disease. People who are chronically stressed, nervous, sad, or angry are more likely to consume excessive amounts of alcohol, smoke, overeat, and exercise insufficiently– all harmful habits that are detrimental to their heart health.
anxiety,heart disease,negative thought
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