A study of parton fragmentation in hadronic Z° decays using ΛΛ̄ correlations

Giovanni Abbiendi, K. Ackerstaff,Gideon Alexander,John Allison, N. Altekamp,K. J. Anderson,S. B. Anderson, S. Arcelli,Shoji Asai, S. F. Ashby, D. Axen,Georges Azuelos, Austin Ball, E. L. Barberio,R. J. Barlow, R. Bartoldus,Jacqueline Batley,S. Baumann, J. Bechtluft,T. Behnke,K. W. Bell,Gideon Bella,Alain Bellerive,Stan Bentvelsen,Siegfried Bethke,S. Betts,Otmar Biebel, A. Biguzzi, S. D. Bird,Volker Blobel,I. J. Bloodworth, M. Bobinski, P. Bock, J. Böhme,Daniele Bonacorsi, M. Boutemeur,S. Braibant, P. G. Bright-Thomas, L. Brigliadori,R. M. Brown, H. J. Burckhart, C. Burgard, R. Bürgin, Paolo Capiluppi,R. K. Carnegie,A. A. Carter,J. R. Carter,C. Y. Chang,Dave Charlton, D. Chrisman,Claudia Ciocca, P. E.L. Clarke,E. Clay, I. Cohen,J. E. Conboy, O. C. Cooke, C. Couyoumtzelis, R. L. Coxe,Marco Cuffiani,Shlomo Dado,G. M. Dallavalle, R. Davis,S. De Jong,L. A. del Pozo,A. De Roeck,Klaus Kurt Desch,Beatrix Dienes,M. S. Dixit, J. Dubbert,Ehud Duchovni,Guenter Duckeck,I. P. Duerdoth, D. Eatough, P. G. Estabrooks,Erez Etzion, H. G. Evans,Fabrizio Fabbri, M. Fanti,A. A. Faust, F. Fiedler, M. Fierro,Ivor Fleck,Ron Folman, A. Fürtjes, D. I. Futyan,P. Gagnon,J. W. Gary, J. Gascon,S. M. Gascon-Shotkin, G. Gaycken,Christoph Geich-Gimbel, G. Giacomelli,Paolo Giacomelli, V. Gibson,W. R. Gibson,D. M. Gingrich

European Physical Journal C(2000)

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The correlated production of \(\Lambda\) and \(\bar\Lambda\) baryons has been studied using 4.3 million multihadronic \({\rm Z}^0\) decays recorded with the Opal detector at Lep. Lambda pairs were investigated in the full data sample and for the first time also in 2-jet and 3-jet events selected with the \(k_\perp\) algorithm. The distributions of rapidity differences from correlated \(\Lambda\bar\Lambda\) pairs exhibit short-range, local correlations and prove to be a sensitive tool to test models, particularly for 2-jet events. The Jetset model describes the data best but some extra parameter tuning is needed to improve agreement with the experimental results in the rates and the rapidity spectra simultaneously. The recently developed modification of Jetset, the MOdified Popcorn Scenarium (Mops), and also Herwig do not give satisfactory results. This study of di-lambda production in 2- and 3-jet events supports the short-range compensation of quantum numbers.
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