Aiding Intimate Violence Survivors in Lockdown: Lessons about Digital Security in the Covid-19 Pandemic

Julia Slupska, Megan Lindsay Brown

Social Science Research Network(2022)

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ABSTRACTThe global pandemic and associated lockdown measures created new and severe forms of vulnerability for people living in the context of intimate partner violence and coercive control, including being trapped in their homes with abusers and struggling to access advocates as services moved online. This paper outlines innovations used by victim advocates and service providers in reaching survivors in often impossible circumstances, and summarizes lessons from the design of a safety-planning application named “myPlan”. We propose digital security guidelines for products and services which may be used by survivors cohabiting with abusers or using devices which may be under surveillance. We conclude with reflections on whether technology design leads to empowerment: although we cannot overstate the importance of digital security design which is sensitive to the unique vulnerabilities of marginalized people, true empowerment requires a greater commitment to funding accessible housing, mental health support, and advocacy.
intimate violence survivors,digital security,lockdown
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