State management of the national food security in Vietnam

E3S Web of Conferences(2020)

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Ensuring national food security for the present and future under any circumstance is a current urgent and complicated issue in Vietnam in the context of climate change, disease and in the process of striving Vietnam to become an industrialized country towards modernization. Ensuring food security has become a legal issue for every country, including Vietnam. To ensure national food security, there is a need for a state management. Therefore, this paper focuses on analyzing the status of regulations and applying the law in a state management of food security. Based on a comparison with the achievement of the goal of national food security in Vietnam, the article points out some of the current limitations and shortcomings in the State management of food security; then, proposes some solutions to improve the efficiency of the state management in this area, including: good management of planning production land for food; improve the state management apparatus of the national food security; increasing investment in infrastructure and scientific research serving food production; review the role and effectiveness of each stage in the food production value chain; improve policies to ensure a reasonable and stable profit for people who producer, storage, process and distribute food.
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