An essential qualification requirement of the teachers´ profession is to handle the conflict situations effectively focusing on cultivation "/>

The Teaching Profession according to Communication Styles while Solving Conflict Situations

Zuzana Kolenova,Zuzana Halakova*

International Journal of Educational Methodology(2019)

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An essential qualification requirement of the teachers´ profession is to handle the conflict situations effectively focusing on cultivation healthy kinds of relationship with other participants of the educational process, keeping discipline, communicative and good teaching atmosphere. In this contribution, we compare styles used in solving the conflict situations insight teaching profession objectively. Slovak elementary school teachers (N = 22) and secondary grammar school teachers (N = 42) were ask to complete a questionnaire consisting of 25 questions with 5 types of solving the conflict situations at school (avoiding, fighting, compromising, accommodating, collaborating). The occurrence and the use of different teachers´ approaches to solving the conflict situation were compared and analyzed. The Likert scaling and the method verified by professor Northouse were used for data evaluation. It is of high importance to pay attention to the dominant style (or the absent one) of solving the conflict situations in the teacher-student, teacher-teacher or teacher-superior interactions and to explore the differences of applying them.

conflict situations,handling the conflict,teaching profession.
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