Real-time Wind Direction Estimation using Machine Learning on Operational Wind Farm Data * †.


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This paper presents regression and classification methods to estimate wind direction in a wind farm from operational data. Two neural network models are trained using supervised learning. The data are generated using high-fidelity large eddy simulations (LES) of a virtual wind farm with 16 turbines, which are representative of the data available in actual SCADA systems. The simulations include the high-fidelity flow physics and turbine dynamics. The LES data used for training and testing the neural network models are the rotor angular speeds of each turbine. Our neural network models use sixteen angular speeds as inputs to produce an estimate of the wind direction at each point in time. Training and testing of the neural network models are done for seven discrete wind directions, which span the most interesting cases due to symmetry of the wind farm layout. The results of this paper are indicative of the potential that existing neural network models have to obtain estimates of wind direction in real time.
wind farm layout,neural network models,time wind direction estimation,operational wind farm data,estimate wind direction,operational data,virtual wind farm,LES data,seven discrete wind directions
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