Snowflake Point Deconvolution for Point Cloud Completion and Generation With Skip-Transformer.

IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence(2023)

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Most existing point cloud completion methods suffer from the discrete nature of point clouds and the unstructured prediction of points in local regions, which makes it difficult to reveal fine local geometric details. To resolve this issue, we propose SnowflakeNet with snowflake point deconvolution (SPD) to generate complete point clouds. SPD models the generation of point clouds as the snowflake-like growth of points, where child points are generated progressively by splitting their parent points after each SPD. Our insight into the detailed geometry is to introduce a skip-transformer in the SPD to learn the point splitting patterns that can best fit the local regions. The skip-transformer leverages attention mechanism to summarize the splitting patterns used in the previous SPD layer to produce the splitting in the current layer. The locally compact and structured point clouds generated by SPD precisely reveal the structural characteristics of the 3D shape in local patches, which enables us to predict highly detailed geometries. Moreover, since SPD is a general operation that is not limited to completion, we explore its applications in other generative tasks, including point cloud auto-encoding, generation, single image reconstruction, and upsampling. Our experimental results outperform state-of-the-art methods under widely used benchmarks.
Point clouds,3D shape completion,generation,reconstruction,upsampling,transformer
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