Exploring the reasons for medical student participation in peer mentoring programs First author:

Shahzma Merani, Mabel Leow Proofreader,Annora Kumar,Pabasha Nanayakkara,Emily Feng-Gu, Warren Policha, Darryl McAndrew


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Background: Peer mentoring in medical programs can result in improved academic performance and personal wellbeing. This is important as medical students function within a competitive environment and have a relatively high risk of burnout, mental illness, and suicide in comparison to age-matched controls. Despite recognition of the benefits of mentorship, medical students often don’t participate in available mentoring programs. In order to optimise medical student uptake of peer mentoring programs it is important to explore the factors that influence participation. Materials and Methods: An online survey was distributed to current and former students of a graduate medicine program to explore the factors that influence medical students’ participation in student-led peer mentoring programs. Results: A total of 77 students completed the online survey. The majority of respondents had positive experiences with mentoring (82%, n=56). Older students, those in a relationship, and those with dependents were less likely to participate in peer mentoring programs. Respondents identified improved academic performance and overall wellbeing as positive factors associated with mentoring, which is consistent with previous research. The structure of the degree requires many students to relocate after 18 months, which influences participation in mentoring. The most common reason for peer mentoring relationships ending was due to the mentor moving away for university placements. Conclusion: Age, relationship status, previous experience with mentorship and structure of the medical degree were all shown to influence medical student participation in mentoring programs. Tailoring mentoring programs to the student cohort and course structure may improve participation rates and subsequently personal wellbeing and academic performance of students. These benefits may assist medical students to navigate the competitive and often stressful profession of medicine.
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