On the Statistical Learning Analysis of Rain Gauge Data over the Natuna Islands

Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Its Applications(2022)

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Located in the middle of South China Sea with distance more than 700 m to nearby main lands, Natuna Islands settings remain the focus of scientific conversation. This article presents state-of-the-art statistical learning methods for analyzing rain gauge data over the Natuna Islands. By using shape preserving piecewise cubic interpolation, we managed to interpolate 671 null values from the daily precipitation data. Dominant periodicity analysis of daily precipitation signals using Lomb-Scargle Power Spectral Density shows annual, intraseasonal, and interannual precipitation patterns over the Natuna Islands. Unsupervised anomaly analysis using the Isolation Forest algorithm shows there are 146 anomaly daily precipitation data points. We also conducted an experiment to predict the accumulation of monthly precipitation over the Natuna Islands using the Bayesian structural time series algorithm. The results show that the local linear trend with seasonality model is able to model the value of accumulated monthly precipitation for a twelve-month prediction horizon. The work presented here has profound implications for rainfall observations in this area.
rain gauge data,statistical learning analysis,natuna islands
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