Goal Recognition for Deceptive Human Agents through Planning and Gaze.

Hosted Content(2021)

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AbstractEye gaze has the potential to provide insight into the minds of individuals, and this idea has been used in prior research to improve human goal recognition by combining human's actions and gaze. However, most existing research assumes that people are rational and honest. In adversarial scenarios, people may deliberately alter their actions and gaze, which presents a challenge to goal recognition systems. In this paper, we present new models for goal recognition under deception using a combination of gaze behaviour and observed movements of the agent. These models aim to detect when a person is deceiving by analysing their gaze patterns and use this information to adjust the goal recognition. We evaluated our models in two human-subject studies: (1) using data collected from 30 individuals playing a navigation game inspired by an existing deception study and (2) using data collected from 40 individuals playing a competitive game (Ticket To Ride). We found that one of our models (Modulated Deception Gaze+Ontic) offers promising results compared to the previous state-of-the-art model in both studies. Our work complements existing adversarial goal recognition systems by equipping these systems with the ability to tackle ambiguous gaze behaviours.
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