Potassium Iodide Tablets Instead Of A Saturated Solution Preoperatively For Reaching Euthyroidism Quickly In Refractory Graves' Disease


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The optional use of a saturated solution of potassium iodide in the immediate preoperative period to reach euthyroidism is included both in the American Thyroid Association (ATA) and in the European Thyroid Association (ETA) guidelines for the treatment of Graves' disease (GD). The recent literature though, shows that it does not translate to more clinically meaningful differences in surgical outcome. In our experience, potassium iodide should not be seen as a means for reducing operative time or complications; it is an effective way for reaching euthyroidism quickly. Herein, we describe three selected cases in which concentrated potassium iodide 65 mg tablets - instead of a saturated solution - were administered for thyroid blocking preoperatively, as recommended in the event of a nuclear emergency. One of the patients was pregnant. After oral treatment with potassium iodide 130 mg daily (two pills), euthyroidism was reached in all three cases within 24 hours. There were no side effects and surgery was performed without complications. Although the current literature did not report a significant benefit concerning operative time and complications, in our opinion preoperative potassium iodide plays an important role in selected cases for reaching euthyroidism preoperatively quickly. Potassium iodide 65 mg tablets, which are recommended in case of a nuclear emergency, are a very effective alternative to saturated solutions, which are not always quickly available and generally need to be administered over seven to 10 days.
graves' disease, potassium iodide, euthyroidism, thyroid surgery, thyreostatic therapy
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