Wnt/Beta-Catenin Directed Metabolic Choice Uncouples Lung-Resident Alveolar Macrophage Inflammatory Activity From Self-Renewal


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Abstract Fetal-derived tissue-resident macrophages exhibit stem cell-like features of self-renewal in adulthood to maintain macrophage population during homeostasis and/or various insults. However, little is known about the cellular and molecular mechanisms modulating proliferative and inflammatory fate decisions of tissue-resident macrophages in vivo. Here, we show that WNT-β-catenin signaling inhibited lung-resident alveolar macrophage (AM) self-renewal, while simultaneously promoted AM inflammatory activities in vitro and in vivo during influenza virus infection. Mechanistically, WNT engagement facilitated the binding of β-catenin with HIF-1α over its conventional binding partner TCF-4. Such a binding choice led to the elevated macrophage inflammation in a glycolysis-dependent manner, while inhibited AM self-renewal by causing mitochondrial damage and impairing oxidative phosphorylation. Thus, AM self-renewal and inflammatory activity are uncoupled by WNT-β-catenin signaling through HIF-1α-mediated cellular metabolic choice. Importantly, we showed that AM with high HIF-1α activity had limited proliferative capacity and produced inflammatory cytokines, while AM with low HIF-1α activity were highly proliferative and expressed genes associated with tissue repair function in vivo during influenza virus infection. In accordance, we demonstrated that AM proliferation and repopulation were needed for optimal lung repair following the clearance of influenza virus in the respiratory tract. Our results have revealed key mechanisms modulating macrophage fate choice between progeny production versus inflammatory effector activity, and subsequent effects on tissue inflammation and repair.
alveolar macrophage,inflammatory activity,metabolic,lung-resident,self-renewal
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