A quantitative map of nuclear pore assembly reveals two distinct mechanisms


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Understanding how the nuclear pore complex (NPC) assembles is of fundamental importance to grasp the mechanisms behind its essential function and understand its role during evolution of eukaryotes[1][1]–[4][2]. While at least two NPC assembly pathways exist, one during exit from mitosis and one during nuclear growth in interphase, we currently lack a quantitative map of the molecular assembly events. Here, we use fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) calibrated live imaging of endogenously fluorescently-tagged nucleoporins to map the changes in composition and stoichiometry of seven major modules of the human NPC during its assembly in single dividing cells. This systematic quantitative map reveals that the two assembly pathways employ strikingly different molecular mechanisms, inverting the order of addition of two large structural components, the central ring complex and nuclear filaments. The dynamic stoichiometry data underpinned integrative spatiotemporal modeling of the NPC assembly pathway, predicting the structures of postmitotic NPC assembly intermediates. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest. [1]: #ref-1 [2]: #ref-4
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