cFos ensembles in the dentate gyrus rapidly segregate over time and do not form a stable map of space

Paul J. Lamothe-Molina,Andreas Franzelin, Lennart Beck, Dong Li,Lea Auksutat, Tim Fieblinger,Laura Laprell, Joachim Alhbeck, Christine E. Gee,Matthias Kneussel,Andreas K. Engel, Claus C. Hilgetag,Fabio Morellini,Thomas G. Oertner


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Transgenic cFos reporter mice are used to identify and manipulate neurons that store contextual information during fear learning. It is not clear, however, how spatial information acquired over several training days is integrated in the hippocampus. Using a water maze task, we observed that cFos expression patterns in the dentate gyrus are temporally unstable and shift daily. Surprisingly, cFos patterns did not get more stable with increasing spatial memory precision. Despite the fact that cFos was no longer expressed, optogenetic inhibition of neurons that expressed cFos on the first training day affected performance days later. Triggered by training, ΔFosB accumulates and provides a negative feedback mechanism that makes the cFos ensemble in the dentate gyrus dependent on the history of activity. Shifting cFos expression to a different set of granule cells every day may aid the formation of episodic memories. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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