Comparison of Benchmarks for Machine Learning Cloud Infrastructures

international conference on cloud computing(2021)

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Training of neural networks requires often high computational power and large memory on Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) hardware. Many cloud providers such as Ama­zon, Azure, Google, Siemens, etc, provide such infrastructure. However, should one choose a cloud infrastructure or an on premise system for a neural network application, how can these systems be compared with one another? This paper investigates seven prominent Machine Learning benchmarks, which are MLPerf, DAWNBench, DeepBench, DLBS, TBD, AIBench, and ADABench. The recent popularity and widespread use of Deep Learning in various applications have created a need for bench­marking in this field. This paper shows that these application domains need slightly different resources and argue that there is no standard benchmark suite available that addresses these different application needs. We compare these benchmarks and summarize benchmark­related datasets, domains, and metrics. Finally, a concept of an ideal benchmark is sketched.
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