Towards a Secure Proxy-based Architecture for Collaborative AI Engineering

2020 Eighth International Symposium on Computing and Networking Workshops (CANDARW)(2020)

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In this paper, we investigate how to design a security architecture of a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solution, denoted as Secure Virtual Premise (SVP), for collaborative and distributed AI engineering using AI artifacts and Machine Learning (ML) pipelines. Artifacts are re-usable software objects which are a) tradeable in marketplaces, b) implemented by containers, c) offer AI functions as microservices, and, d) can form service chains, denoted as AI pipelines. Collaborative engineering is facilitated by the trading and (re-)using artifacts and, thus, accelerating the AI application design. The security architecture of the SVP is built around the security needs of collaborative AI engineering and uses a proxy concept for microservices. The proxy shields the AI artifact and pipelines from outside adversaries as well as from misbehaving users, thus building trust among the collaborating parties. We identify the security needs of collaborative AI engineering, derive the security challenges, outline the SVP's architecture, and describe its security capabilities and its implementation, which is currently in use with several AI developer communities. Furthermore, we evaluate the SVP's Technology Readiness Level (TRL) with regard to collaborative AI engineering and data security.
Security Architecture,Trusted and Collaborative AI engineering,Proxy-based Architecture
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