A Cooperative Traffic Information System Schema in Inter-Vehicular Networks

2020 4th International Conference on Smart City, Internet of Things and Applications (SCIOT)(2020)

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This paper presents an Anycast model in vehicular networks, which adequately addresses the problem of routing to the best candidate nodes and sending message packets. Since the issue of packet size and bandwidth limitation in the vehicular network affects both data aggregation and data dissemination, the proposed method uses a technique for hashing addresses. Also, for the sake of optimality, the search speed and the reduction of geo-mapping calculations, maps are split into several stages in which every stage form a grid. The first stage has the highest number of cells in its grid, and by increasing the stage of the map, the number of the corresponding cells are increased as well. Finally, the proposed protocol starts the search for suitable recipient according to the stage in which source node exists, if any recipient is found in the corresponding cell of the current stage, the packet will forward to it, and if the candidate is not found, the stage of the map will increase to the next level. The search operation will continue until a suitable recipient is found.
Anycast,Vehicular Network,Grid,Bloom Filter
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